
Meinen ersten Marathon

"Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." Lou Holtz

After months and months of training in the rain, cold and windy conditions this summer has brought us, I ran my first marathon. 

Sunday 25th September was a very emotional day for me. I cried before I started running. I cried during. I cried once I had finished. I knew how much pain I would be in and I was scared and nervous at the start line. With my fellow runners, we stretched and drank water and started running approximately thirty minutes after the elite runners. 

I am not ashamed to say that I struggled. I found the marathon a lot harder than I had anticipated. After 21k (half the marathon), my knees were in extreme pain as was the rest of my legs and my back. I kept running, stopping briefly for the provided water and energy drinks. Despite the pain I was in, I ran the whole marathon. I am so grateful to PowerBar for providing us with energy gel at about 30k, this helped a lot! Thank you to the wonderful residents who handed out more energy gels and tissues along the way! The crowd was amazing, the musicians and street performers kept me entertained and helped me to smile. And not forgetting, Stephen Fry and his wonderful reading of 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets', which I listened to along the way.

Sheer determination and motivation got me through this marathon. I must admit, at half way, I doubted my ability, questioning why on earth I had thought that this was a good idea! But I pulled myself together, remembered I was doing this for a great charity, the British Heart Foundation, in memory of the greatest man I have ever known, my Grandad.

As I turned the corner at 42k and saw the Brandenburg Gate, I started to cry; I could see the end! I upped my pace. Running through this famous landmark was incredible and the mass crowds cheering me on, shouting 'Come on Rachel' (they could see my name on my vest) gave me a buzz. As the last 30m approached, I erupted into a 'sprint finish', overtook many men and crossed the finish line. 

Upon finishing, I cried my heart out. I received my medal, drank water and, sat on the grass, rang my mum and cried.

I couldn't help but think of my Grandad. I had written on a paper heart 'My inspiration is...My amazing Grandad. Love you forever xxxx' and had attached it to my back for all to see throughout my run. The marathon hit home that my Grandad really is gone and that I was raising money in his memory. He would have been so proud of me and I can't tell him that I've done it. But I believe he was there, alongside me, watching me and cheering me on. 

It is not too late to show your support, you can donate by visiting my fundraising page by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. Rachie

    Very inspiring. I'm proud of you!

    Much love,



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